29 January 2020 year at the Military History Museum - a branch of Chernihiv Historical Museum. V. Tarnowska ENDlamuseum meeting to be Memorial Day Heroes Krut.
The event was dedicated to the famous battle participants - Ukrainian surgeon Yuri Crow (the 125 th birthday) and the commander of the Ukrainian part of the battle of cool Averkiyu Goncharenko (130-th birthday).
В кінці 1917 offensive was launched against Bolshevik troops Ukrainian Central Rada,,uk,The military action took place on a major railway junctions,,uk. Військові дії відбувались за основні залізничні вузли. For defense station abruptly sent several hundred young men of the 1st Ukrainian Military School,,uk,B.Khmelnitsky,,uk,Kiev universities,,uk. Б.Хмельницького, київських університетів, 2-nd Kiev Gymnasium led by two dozen officers,,uk,They acted against the Bolshevik army kilkatysyachne,,uk,well armed and prepared,,uk,The battle ended with the defeat of the students,,uk. Проти них виступило кількатисячне більшовицьке військо, добре озброєне і підготовлене. Бій закінчився поразкою студентів, but given the possibility to delay for several days Bolshevik forces on the outskirts of Kyiv,,uk,The exhibition presents materials from the museum,,uk,weapons and military equipment early,,uk,Twentieth century.,,uk.
The audience was made Advisor to the Chairman of the Chernihiv Regional Council Dmitry Nykonenko, which stressed the importance of the historical memory of the past.
event organizer, Fellow Military History Museum Victor Nehoda spoke biographical milestones commander of the Ukrainian part of the battle of cool Averkiya Goncharenko (Born in the modern area Varva), his deceased brother - medical student Theodore and Ukrainian surgeon George Voronoho, who also participated in this military battles.
Participants can view the exhibition "The snow krutyanskim immortality vpysalos heroic name", illuminating the battlefield under cool conditions, the fate of its members, Commemoration of the Fallen.
West students visited Chernihiv medical college, ЗМІ.
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