Two memorable dates in January

23 January 1891 Pavlo Tychyna, a Ukrainian poet, was born in, academician, громадський діяч.

21 January 1931 року в Чернігові померла його перша вчителька – Серафима Миколаївна Морачевська.

Back in the summer 1926 year, during a visit to Chernihiv, Павло Тичина сфотографувався з Серафимою Миколаївною – “однією з найдорожчих і близьких мені людей”. Ця фотографія весь час прикрашала кабінет Павла Григоровича, залишається вона і нині в Літературно-меморіальному музеї-квартирі П. Tychyny in Kyiv. The second copy is stored in the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky.

Seraphim Morachevsky was born in the family of the priest of the village of Sands of Chernihiv district Mykola Ivanovych Morachevsky and his wife Anna Petrovna 13 June 1859 year.

She was a pupil of the Chernihiv Diocesan School, which ended in 1879 year and began teaching in the villages of Chernihiv province.

On 1897 року Серафима Морачевська понад двадцять п’ять років працювала в школі села Піски Козелецького повіту.

In the 1920s, at retirement age, moved to Chernihiv, where her relatives lived.

She passed away 21 January 1931 year. Buried in the city cemetery.

1940 Pavlo Tychyna dedicated the essay “My Teacher” to his mentor (to dear readers, parents and children). He often mentioned her in the pages of memoirs from diary entries., worked on the poem "Seraphim Morachevskaya".

Senior researcher of the museum Svetlana Polovnikova