A generous gift from publishing "Tempora" (м. Kyiv) Library received Chernihiv Historical Museum named VV. Tarnovsky. The Museum received 40 books, mainly scientific and popular scientific direction - 19 series of books on military history Ukraine, 5 - the history of Ukrainian revolution and the liberation struggle, 4 - the history of World War II, Other.
Chernihiv Historical Museum of VV. Tarnowska expresses sincere gratitude publisher "Tempora" for the precious gift book and supporting Ukrainian Museum.
list of books:
"Accidents in Europe: nomads in the system early Middle Byzantine diplomacy ", O.Zhdanovych, 2019.
"Alliance", D.Fenbi, 2010.
"Anatra": Odessa Aircraft Aircraft Company, 1910-1924's. ", V.Kondratyev, 2008.
"Afghans", R.Breytveyt, 2013.
"Battle Berestechko 1651 year ", V.Brehunenko, 2013.
«Bєzhenstvo 1915. Forgotten exiles ", A.Primaka-Onіshk, 2019.
"Great Turkic khanate: Empire nomadic Eurasian Steppe ", O.Zhdanovych, 2019.
"From soldiers to hussars", Ya.Tinchenko, 2018.
"Echoes karnyksiv: Military traditions of ancient Celts on lands of Ukraine, IV-I v. до н. It is. ", G.Kazakevich, 2009.
"War against Soviet Ukraine in 1920 year ", Ya.Tinchenko, 2020.
"The troops of the illustrious Mr. Getman. Ukrainian State Army, May-December 1918 year. ", Ya.Tinchenko, 2014.
"Warriors steppes. Huns in Ukraine ", O.Zhdanovych, 2017.
"Heroes Ukrainian sky. Pilots Liberation War 1917-1920. ", Ya.Tinchenko, 2010.
"Gregory Orlik Cossack nation or the French diplomacy", I.Dmytryshyn, 2019.
"Public Opinion. Annotated systematic index. 1905–1906»,
«1919. Effective army of UNR, November 1918 - November 1919 year. ", Ya.Tinchenko, 2017.
"Zviyani wind statelessness", 2019.
"Collection “Simpleton”: Reconstruction Project of 1939-1949 years ", O.Kovalevska, 2011.
"From Scandinavia to the Black Sea. The art of war is ready in Ukraine ", O.Zhdanovych, 2017.
"Kyiv 1917-1919. Addresses. Events. People", O.Kucheruk, 2008.
"Wings Ukraine: Air Force Ukraine (1917-1920's.)», A.Haruk, 2009.
"Lyeninhrad. The tragedy of the blockade of the city 1941-1944 ", A.Reyd, 2012.
"Correspondence 1903-1928 years. Were revised ", Yefremov. 2010.
"Man of War: Appearance of soldiers and weapons on the territory of Ukraine to the present Chalcolithic ", S.Shamenkov, 2019.
"Simpleton", Bogdan Kentrzhynskyy, 2013.
"Makhno veremiya. Thorny Path Revolutionary Insurgent Army Ukraine (Makhno) 1918-1921's. ", D.Arhiyereyskyy, 2015.
'Round the world on the sloop “Neva” (1803-1806)», Yu.Lysyanskyy, 2019.
"Watch mace", O.Sokirko, 2018.
"On the periphery of War. Belgian Armored Division in Ukraine. 1916–1918», A.Tiri, 2010.
"Unknown War 1919 year: Ukrainian vs. the White Guard Armed Opposition ", M.Koval'chuk, 2006.
"Paul Skoropadskyi. Memoirs: the end 1917 - December 1918 year ", 2019.
"Pantsirnye trains, armadillo and train troops in the liberation war 1917-1920 years. ", Ya.Tinchenko, 2012.
"Perun children. Military Slavs in the early Middle Ages ", Ye.Synytsya, 2012.
"Peter Bolbochan", V.Sidak, 2009.
"Pilgrims of the Great War. Odyssey Belgian Armored Division in 1915-1918 years ", A.Tiri, 2010.
"The infantry Ukrainian Hetman", S.Shamenkov, 2010.
"repeaters: Gulag prisoners condemned (1948-1953's.)», T.Vronska, 2019.
"Poland and Transcarpathia: 1938-1939», D.Dombrovskyy, 2012.
"The revolutionary element. Vilnokozatskyy movement in Ukraine 1917-1918. ", V.Lobodayev, 2010.
"Nest-Dragomanova Kosachev: their structure and culture ", T.Skripka, 2013.
"Villages of Buga", O.Patalah, 2019.
"Ancient History of Ukraine (second edition, expanded)», L.Zaliznyak, 2019.
"Steppe Shield Lithuania. Ukrainian army gediminids (XIV–XVI ст.)», B.Cherkas, 2011.
"Finland in World War II: between Germany and Russia ", O.Vehvilyaynen, 2010.
"Diary. Memoirs", Yefremov, 2011.
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