Ancient Chernihiv attracted and inspired many famous figures of Ukrainian culture, among them was Georgy Narbut - "mazepynets, Chernigov regiment, Glukhovskoy hundreds, petty officers and the son of coats of arms and emblemat painter ".
Георгій (Yuri) I. Narbut - the greatest graphic artist Ukraine, портретист, author of the first Ukrainian state symbols, State Emblem and Seal 1918 year, one of the founders and first rector of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts, potsinovuvav Ukrainian collector and antiques, reformer of books, creator of the new children's book, illustrations by hundreds of publications from the literature, Science, мистецтва, numerous posters, stamps, leaflets, labels, developer fonts, credentials, military uniforms, decorations, Researcher manor. Contemporaries G. Narbut noted his incredible performance and boundless enthusiasm to all Ukrainian.
From historical sources we learn, that the famous Ukrainian artist George Narbut was three times in Chernihiv.
He first visited the picturesque town of Desna in 1912 year. So, George made the company to his teacher painting artist Mstislav Dobuzhinsky, who traveled cities in Ukraine and did sketches of monuments.
The second time "George" Narbut came to Chernihiv blooming on the eve of World War I., in July 1914 , along with his friend Sergei Troynytskym - heraldystom, art critic, publisher, the future director of the Hermitage. Friends stopped at his friend Vadim archivist Modzalevskoho (former director of the Museum of Ukrainian Antiquities VV. Tarnovsky), who spent the week. Just at this time writing team (In. Lukomskyy, In. Modzalevskyy, T. Narbut) preparing a first fundamental scientific and popular publications on the history of Ukrainian heraldry and nobility of Chernigov "Little Russian Armorial". It can be assumed, the trip to Chernihiv was carried out for the final preparation of this work as the owner came to the city printing "Sirius", where he was released "Little Russian Armorial" in 1914 р., publisher S.Troynytskyy.
Вочевидь, In. Modzalevskyy agreed with the Director of the Museum of Ukrainian Antiquities VV. Tarnowska artist John Rashevsky that, to G. Narbut and C. Troynytskyy worked with a collection of ancient Cossack. In the memoirs of historian, compatriot and friend Mr.. Narbuta - Theodore Ernst stated "Narbut with C. In Troynytskym odviduyut. Modzalevskoho in Chernihiv, photographed before "Mazepian" home especially hard shtudiruet Museum Tarnowska. Preserved photo, Narbut which is specified in the museum, dressed in old hetman zhupan. Here, local antique dealers, he seeks "shablyuku" to his Ukrainian outfit ". In the photo we see a famous artist in the Cossack museum in the hall. Tarnovsky (нині, room Chernihiv Regional Library for Youth), who dressed in kontusz Paraska Apostle - daughter of Hetman Danylo Apostol. In his right hand Mr.. Narbut holds kelep, the right of the artist - Colonel Michael Cannon Miloradovich.
The last time Mr.. Narbut arrived in the ancient city in May 1917 during the Ukrainian revolution unrest, together with the famous archaeologist Nicholas Bilyashivsky. Вочевидь, As they lived in. Modzalevskoho, which at that time was elected Commissioner for the Protection of art and antiques. Subsequently, he moved to Kyiv, where he lived with his friend Mr.. Narbut. Both died in 1920 year and were buried together.
Today we know of two "Chernigov" D photos. Narbuta - at "home Mazepa" on the shaft and the museum VV. Tarnovsky. Last, currently kept at the National Art Museum of Ukraine and came to his collection of funds F. Ernst.
Scientific Secretary Maxim Blue
died from “disease of dirty hands”-dysentery. These people are so stupid death.