Великою популярністю серед відвідувачів Чернігівського історичного музею імені В.В. Тарновського продовжує користуватися виставка «Ab ovo. Objects of Christian worship X-XIII centuries in meeting Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky ", created for the 1025th anniversary of the baptism of Kievan Rus.
На ній представлені 70 objects of Christian worship from the collection of Ukrainian Vasyl Tarnowska antiquities and excavations and studies by archaeologists Chernigov late XIX - early XXI century in Chernihiv.
Most interesting are the Byzantine cross-Encolpyon X-XII century. Encolpyon (in Greek "chest") – складений двостулковий хрест-релікварій, designed to store particles Relics, Cross Tree or secondary relics. They are usually worn over clothes. First Encolpyon imported from Byzantium, but since the XII century. apply mass production of ancient crosses and Encolpyon, icons and amulets-coils. To produce cross-moschovykiv used only metal, mainly copper alloy.
Crosses, represented at the exhibition, made not only of metal, but also of stone, bone and faience vessel wall.
Worth Icons - Lead (Virgin and Child) XII century. and carved stone (Holy Sepulcher) XIII.
In addition, exhibited hand-katseyi censers and lamp, used in churches and homes.
Виставка працюватиме до 5 November.
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