There are historical events, over which time has no power. Among them a special place belongs to World War II. So far these events embarrass our memory. There - destroyed people's lives, ragged life, and simultaneously displays of humanity, fortitude and charity.
75 років тому, fall 1944 р., During the Carpathian-Uzhgorod operation culminated in the expulsion of the Nazis ethnic Ukrainian territory.
That this exhibition dedicated to "free Ukraine!», which opened at the Military History Museum (Street. Shevchenko, 55-and) – філії Чернігівського історичного музею імені В.В. Tarnovsky 24 October.
History of the Second World War, wrote and rewrote. The exhibition speaks to visitors language exhibits. You need to think plunge ...
The concept of the exhibition - the museum illumination means inhuman nature of war, sophisticated way to Ukraine independence, a new vision of past events through documents Ukraine, testimony, facts.
The war on the territory of Ukraine did not stop for over an hour 40 місяців, 35 of them are in active fighting regular troops. Since January 1943 Dr.. October 1944 Dr.. held on Ukrainian soil 13 offensive and 2 defense operations. Do 1944 Dr.. fought in Ukraine 50% All Army Red Army.
The expulsion of the Nazis in Ukraine began 1942 Dr.. during the Battle of Stalingrad. 18 December 1942 Dr.. was released with. Півнівка Ворошиловградської (now Luhansk) області. Over 10 million lives lost Ukrainian people during the Second World War.
Період війни ознаменувався не тільки титанічними військовими зусиллями, трудовими звершеннями, а й важливими суспільними процесами. With the war came cathedral Ukraine, об’єднавши в одній державі етнічні українські землі, стала суб’єктом міжнародного права – країною-фундатором ООН, активним членом міжнародних організацій. Without Oct. 1944 year, Without May and September 1945 has not appeared in our time be free, independent Ukraine.
Chronologically, the exhibition covers 1944 Dr.. Thematically consists of two sections:
– the expulsion of the Nazis in Ukraine;
– living area after occupation.
The exhibition "Ukraine free!"Submissions from the Chernihiv Historical Museum named VV. Tarnovsky: documents, світлини, front letters, awards, household items. Також, materials Nazi's expulsion from Ukraine VD. Dragunov. The display copies of the newspaper "Pravda Desnyanska"; художні роботи, документи художника І.В. Lisitsina, оригінали яких зберігаються в Державному архіві Чернігівської області. Матеріали історика, краєзнавця, muzeynika SG. Baran-Butovicha, During the occupation which he headed the Department of Education and Culture of the Chernihiv miskupravi, надані Галузевим державним архівом Управління СБУ в Чернігівській області.
У відкритті виставки взяли участь учні Чернігівської загальноосвітньої школи № 9, which appealed daughter VD. Dragunov - Elena.
The exhibition will be valid until January 2020 Dr..
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