Виставка майстра-різьбяра Сергія Святного

12 October 2018 року в Чернігівському історичному музеї імені В.В.Тарновського відкрилася персональна виставка майстра-різьбяра Сергія Олексійовича Святного (до 60-річчя майстра).

Сергій Святний – майстер народної творчості (1993), член Національної спілки майстрів народного мистецтва України (1993).

Народився 30 August 1958 , in the village,,uk,Mitchenko,,ru,Bakhmatsky area,,uk,Pyotr Prokopovich was born,,uk,Ukrainian beekeeper,,uk,Founder of rational beekeeping framework,,uk. Nosovskogo village area Chernihiv region. Chernihiv graduate vocational number 6 specialty carpenter and Nijinsky College of Culture and Arts named Zankovetska specializing in decorative folk art. Lives and works Nezhine. The creative works of the master box, skirts, spoons, traditional musical instruments (derkaches, kalatala), children's toys (horses on wheels, moving toys "Beetles", "Kachechki", shabelky, furkala, Dziga, morochky). His articles Sergey fringing ornamental compositions executed contour, Triangular-cannelure carving.

One of the founders of the "Town of Craftsmen" at the traditional Nizhynsky Pokrovsky Fair. Active participant of many festivals, folk art fairs in Ukraine and abroad. Do 2017 year's annual traditional "Slavic Bazaar" in. Vitebsk (Belarus) Diploma winner received third degree in the category "Handy traditional folk wooden toys" for moving toy "Beetle". In the same year received his third International Festival of Ukrainian Culture in UCRANIA FEST. Barcelona (Spain). Twice received a scholarship of the National Union of Folk Decorative Art Ukraine.

The exhibition represents 82 work with the Chernihiv Historical Museum named VV. Tarnowska early 2000s - 2010s.

Виставка працюватиме до 22 October.