Independence of Ukraine was fought for centuries. Cossack campaigns for freedom and the Ukrainian national revolution of 1648–1676., пробудження національної ідентичності та свідомості представників української спільноти у ХІХ ст., events of the Ukrainian revolution at the beginning of the 20th century., armed struggle of the OUN-UPA, and further struggle ultimately prepared the ground for the RESTORATION of Independence of Ukraine in 1991 Dr.. Then this event took place in a peaceful way. And for almost a quarter of a century, we were building our state, but the ambitions of our northern neighbor, his "Great Russian chauvinism" led to another Russian-Ukrainian war. We realize, that the war did not start 24 February 2022 year, and reaches February 2014 year (occupation of Crimea, and later its annexation), from the occupation of two eastern regions of Ukraine in April of the same year.
On 2014 Ukraine begins to defend its independence in real terms and with the help of weapons. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are being restored and at the same time unprecedented, support from the civilian population, volunteer movement is developing. І сьогодні, після повномасштабного вторгнення ворога в Україну цей зв’язок не втрачений, а навпаки тільки зростає. Збройні сили боронять міста і села, волонтери підставляють їм своє плече, крім того волонтери не залишають поза увагою цивільне населення, надають допомогу тим хто її потребує.
На відміну від попереднього періоду (починаючи з 2014 Dr.), тепер і ми знаємо звуки сирен. Chernihiv, її мешканці, пережили жахіття блокади, а дехто окупації. Світ здригнувся, коли після вигнання ворога, побачив сліди злочинів, людоненависницьке обличчя ворога.
But Ukrainians will continue to defend their state, the very right to be Ukrainian. So, that what the enemy is doing falls under the definition of "GENOCIDE", i.e. extermination. You cannot underestimate the enemy. It has a powerful arsenal of weapons and human resources, but we defend our land, and the right to live and be masters on this land, I defend my freedom.
Chernihiv became, like a strong fortress many centuries ago, which the enemy tried to destroy. We heard explosions for almost a month and a half, lilac, на жаль десь поруч час від часу гинули люди…
Stormy events of February-March 2022 year was mentioned in the walls of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after. В.В.Тарновського 31 August. Defenders of the city and volunteers came to the Museum meeting, які підтримували Збройні сили України та надавали допомогу містянам.
Denis Drozd is a defender of Chernihiv, shared memories, how he defended the city in the most dangerous position, which held the name "Clover". Its defenders were later called "Spartans". Fierce battles were fought there, however, in almost a month and a half, the Russian invaders did not manage to defeat the "Spartans" and did not allow the enemy to reach Chernihiv.
Regina Husak is the director of the Chernihiv educational and rehabilitation center No. 2 for children with special educational needs, told, that a volunteer center was organized on the basis of the center from the first days. Volunteers initially provided assistance to families with children, а згодом організували польову кухню і годували військових та містян.
Oleksandr Yasenchuk - head of the Chernihiv Self-Defense Maidan organization told the audience about the features and specifics of volunteer assistance to the military.
Nina Lemesh, first deputy head of the Chernihiv Regional Council, took part in the event.
Svitlana Zemlyanska, senior researcher of the museum
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