Autograph of cosmonaut Vladimir Titov

У колекції Чернігівського історичного музею імені В.В. Tarnowski kept items with autographs of statesmen, politicians, famous scientists, athletes, writers, поетів, artists. Among them we have the autographs of the conquerors of space, particular, cosmonaut Vladimir Titov.

Vladimir Titov was born 1 January 1947 in the city of Sretensk, Chita region of the RSFSR. The future astronaut spent his childhood in the town of Borzna in the Chernihiv region. Here he graduated from eleven classes of Borznyanskaya secondary school № 2 (нині, gymnasium named after Panteleimon Kulish).

Do 1966 entered the Chernihiv Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots (ЧВВАУЛ), which ended in 1970 year in command and aviation specialty with a diploma of pilot-engineer.

On 20 June 1970 served as a pilot instructor, а з 30 November 1973 - Senior Pilot-Instructor of the 701st Training Aviation Regiment of Chernihiv VVAUL, was responsible for the flight training of cadets of the school. Пізніше, with 10 April 1974 served as a commander of the 2nd Fighter Squadron of the 70th Separate Fighter Aviation Training Regiment of Special Purpose - Military Unit, in which astronauts passed flight practice.

Do 1976 Vladimir Georgievich was selected to the detachment of astronauts. He made four space flights, including two - on the reusable spaceships "Discovery" and "Atlantis".

On 20 August 1998 year, Colonel Vladimir Titov in reserve. After his release from the army and a detachment of astronauts, worked as head of the department of manned programs at the State Space Research and Production Center. M.V.. Khrunichev. У червні 1999 was appointed director of the division of Boeing Space & Communications "in Russia and the CIS. Lives in Moscow.

Старший науковий співробітник музею

Lyudmila Trikashna