19 January 2020 year in the Chernihiv Historical Museum VV. The Museum meeting with representatives of the Novobilouska united territorial community took place in Tarnowski, scientists, local historians of Chernihiv and Chernihiv district.
The reason for the meeting was the creation of an information banner "Archaeological sites of the Novobilouska united territorial community", which is designed to promote the historical past of the community and strengthen its tourism potential. Матеріали, presented on the banner tell about the history of the villages of New Belous, Desnyanki, Koshivka and covers the study of archeological monuments, found within their boundaries. The settlement of the territories of these settlements began in 6–3 thousand. до н.е. Archaeological research of ancient settlements was started by Kyiv archaeologist David Blifeld, however, these sights for a long time, Starobilouska fortress XI-XII, ХVІІ ст. and burial mounds were studied by a famous Chernihiv archaeologist, who worked for many years in the museum - Alexander Shekun. У жовтні 2020 Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Shekun was awarded the title of “Honorary Citizen of the Novibilouska United Territorial Community” by the decision of the session of the Novibilouska OTG. 19 January should be his birthday 86 years.
The local historian initiated the creation of an information stand, Andriy Kurdanov, Chairman of the Chernihiv District Branch of the National Union of Local Historians of Ukraine. The banner is illustrated with finds from the collection of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky. Own author's scientific reconstructions (courtyards X-XI, house XII-XIII, fortress of the XVII century.) embodied and created the layout by the chief specialist of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Chernihiv City Council, Candidate of Historical Sciences Alexander Bondar. The banner was handed over to the representatives of Novobilouska OTG - Deputy Chairman Yuriy Tkachenko and Head of the Community Education Department Serhiy Pavlion, who expressed their gratitude to the museum staff and everyone, who joined its creation.
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