Hairpin guns Lefoshe

Eugene Naselevets - Senior Researcher

Чернігівського історичного музею імені В.В. Tarnovsky

Revolvers Lefoshe pins in the assembly

Чернігівського історичного музею імені В.В. Tarnovsky

After, a shock capsule locks made possible the emergence of 30 years of the nineteenth century. revolvers and distribution, it was necessary to make a number of improvements in this type of weapon. In particular, needed to achieve the required obtyuratsiyi (prevent leakage of propellant gases from the breech when a shot), while not overly complicating the mechanism breech1. Do 1836 the Frenchman Casimir Lefoshe needles invented charge, which at that time had a cardboard sleeve. The name "pin" charge back got, which had a pin, one end of which was a shock to the composition of the capsule, Contained within the barrel, and the other went out through the hole in the side wall near the bottom of the barrel. Do 1846 Lefoshe was released under bundelrevolver pin charge, using the capsule system bundelrevolvera Belgian Marietta2. Do 1851 at the exhibition in London needles charge was introduced with bundelrevolverom, where these inventions aroused great interest.

Do 1852 Casimir was dying Lefoshe and continues to cause his son Eugene, який у 1853 he created a revolver under the cartridge pin with metal sleeve - the so-called military model. Cartridges were inserted into the drum so, the ends of the pins sticking out in all directions from the center of the drum, when you turn the trigger is hit from above by heels, which transferred blow Capsules. This model has much in common with the capsule revolver Marietta, which, in turn,, was like capsular Colt3. He had a trigger mechanism double action, Frenchman invented and patented in Shene 1853 year. Do 1855 Lefoshe, the revolver was adopted by the French Army, а у 1858 year - Italian.

At this time already 15 Capsule years produced revolvers Colt, and although they lost guns Lefoshe in structural strength, instead had a number of significant Moving forward:

  1. Unitary ammunition was used Casimir Lefoshe, which were cheap in production, were charged easily, even in darkness, not afraid of moisture.
  2. Trigger double action Shene allowed to conduct more aimed fire, For pressing the trigger was smooth.
  3. The high rate of fire than other models.

These and many other advantages made revolvers Lefoshe known all over the world. Shortly after the first samples appear more sophisticated models. Some types of revolvers Lefoshe were spread in Empire, which allow officers at their own expense to acquire small arms (pistols and revolvers) foreign4. Official deliveries from abroad began in the 60s of XIX century. upgrading to the lower ranks of the gendarmerie corps. In Lefoshe been ordered 4500 revolvers, Belgian manufacturer of Tanner - 1600. will 1000 pieces were produced at the plant Sestroretsk, 500 - in Tula. Although generally without much military enthusiastic pins revolvers, its civilian models enjoyed extraordinary popularity. French guns were role models, similar models produced in Austria-Hungary, Germany, Spain, England, but most - Belgium. Belgian weapon factories so spread worldwide, that the system is often considered the Belgian Lefoshe.

In the 60 - 70 years of the nineteenth century. finally made up some special features revolvers Lefoshe. Barrel - 8-sided or cylindrical with faceted breech, that its screw axle tide drum, which is rigidly connected to the body. In the channel tides posted ramrod-extractor. The lower end rush with a screw combined with body. The surface of the drum without Dolov, Spring charging door latch opening up. Small caliber revolvers kept all of the above features, but had a difficult descents without trigger guard5.

However Lefoshe pins revolvers and had a number of shortcomings: there was a risk protruding outward push pin, powder gases through imperfect obtyuratsiyu sometimes broke through in person breech arrow, Shells were difficult to remove, especially when they are inflated6. Consequently received victory over the needle and capsule systems Dreyze revolvers, studs, in turn,, had to cede central ignition systems, that appeared in the late 60s of XIX century. However, the spread revolvers central battle did not stop production of hairpin revolvers. One reason for this was well established manufacturing and low price, so these revolvers continued to improve, borrowing elements revolvers central battlefield, even to use ammunition central ignition7. There are models of the drum 12 to 30 ammunition. An interesting episode is found in AP. Chekhov's story "Avenger", spelling 1887 year. It clearly illustrates the attitude towards the hairpin revolvers and central battlefield at this time:

"The clerk Store - mobile, frantsuzistaya figure with a belly and white waistcoat - laid out in front of him and revolvers, respectfully smiling, shuffling feet, spoke:

- I would advise you to, Monsieur, Now take this beautiful revolver. System Smith & Wesson. The last word bullet science. triplex, with extractor, It has six hundred steps, the central battlefield. pay, Monsieur, your attention to the purity of the finish. The most fashionable system, Monsieur… Every day we sell a dozen for thieves, wolves and lovers. Very faithful and strong battle, has at long range and bleed kills wife and lover. As for suicide, the, Monsieur, I do not know a better system…

The clerk raised and lowered triggers, He breathed on trunks, I took aim and pretended, that is choking with delight. Looking at his admiring face, one might think, that he himself would gladly have put a bullet in the forehead, if only I possessed a revolver such a wonderful system, Smith & Wesson.

- What price? - asked Sigaev.

- Forty-five rubles, Monsieur.

- Um!.. It's expensive for me!

- In this case, Monsieur, I will offer you a different system, cheaper. here, Do not you want to see? Choice we have huge, at different prices… for example, This revolver Lefoshe system costs only eighteen rubles, but… (clerk frowned contemptuously) but, Monsieur, This system is already outdated. Buy it now only proletarians mental and psycho. Shoot or kill the wife of Lefoshe is now considered a sign of bad taste. Good tone recognizes only Smith and Wesson "8.

Although Lefoshe guns have long been part of history, but now there are clubs of fans hairpin revolvers, thousands of them stored in various collections.

The collection of firearms Chernihiv Historical Museum named VV. Tarnowska available 3 revolvers system Lefoshe:

  1. Інв. Number I-5766.

60-and - 80 years of the nineteenth century. Belgium, Liege. Firm "August Frankott".

Stvol 8-grannij, surge shaft attached to the frame screw. Case folding. Proactive platoon of hammer. drum on 6 ammunition, available annular shield to protect pins, Battery door opened up. In breech - slotted sight, men's high. Frame, decorated barrel and drum

floral ornament rococo. Cheeks handle - bone. Bottom handle - preventive strap ring. Labeled «E.LEFAUCHEUX IN UR BREVETE» m and stamps. Liege and manufacturer.

22 х 9,3 see, caliber 11 мм.

went on 1957 Dr..

  1. Інв. Number I-2874.

70-and - 90 years of the nineteenth century. Belgium, м. Liege.

Stvol 8-grannij, with front sight. Rush shaft attached to the frame screw. On the right tide is extractor. drum on 6 ammunition, available annular shield to protect pins, Battery door opened up. Descent complex, no trigger guard. Cheeks handle - wood. Flagged stigma of. Liege.

18 х 8 see, caliber 7 мм.

went on 1925 Dr..

  1. Інв. Number I-2887.

70-and - 90 years of the nineteenth century. Belgium, м. Liege.

Stvol 8-grannij, with front sight. Rush shaft attached to the frame screw. drum on 6 ammunition, available annular shield to protect pins. Descent complex, no trigger guard. Cheeks handle - wood. Flagged stigma of. Liege.

17,8 х 8,1 see, caliber 7,3 мм.

went on 1935 Dr..


1 1000 samples of small arms / Pod Society. ред. D. Miller. - Smolensk, 2004. - WITH. 96.

2 beetle AB. Revolvers and pistols. - M., 1983. - WITH. 52.

3 ibid.

4 Pistols and revolvers. technology Encyclopaedia. - Issue. 1. - M., 1993. - WITH. 22.

5 beetle AB. Decree. op. - WITH. 53.

6 Pistols and revolvers. technology Encyclopaedia. - Issue. 1. - WITH. 24.

7 beetle AB. Decree. op. - WITH. 52.

8 Chekhov AP. Avenger // Chekhov AP. Stories and novels. - M., 1984. - WITH. 196–197.

"Treasury Ukrainian culture". - Issue 14. - with. 75–77.