20 February in Ukraine honor the heroism of the participants of the Revolution of Dignity and commemorate the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred. February in Ukraine honor the heroism of the participants of the Revolution of Dignity and commemorate the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, thanks to which the course of history of our state was changed. thanks to which the course of history of our state was changed, thanks to which the course of history of our state was changed, thanks to which the course of history of our state was changed.
The Revolution of Dignity lasted from 21 November 2013 by 23 February 2014 Dr.. The difference between the Revolution of Dignity and other revolutions in Ukraine is that the authorities used force against the demonstrators, загинули люди… Герої Небесної Сотні – 107 people, люди, different in age, social status, social status. social status: social status, social status, social status.
This year's slogan of the Day of Remembrance of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, proposed by the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance - the Heavenly Hundred - the first heroes of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
17 different in age. Тарновського відбулась Музейна зустріч, social status. The event was called "About the Maidan and not only...". A special guest is a volunteer, psychologist - Yanina Smolyar.
The participants of the meeting recalled the events of 9 years ago, що змінили перебіг історії нашої держави – Революцію Гідності: причини, хроніка подій, жертви, наслідки. Під пісню-реквієм «Плине кача» присутні вшанували пам’ять Героїв Небесної Cотні та жертв російсько-української війни. Можна було перегляґнути світлини ніжинського журналіста, фотографа, волонтера, громадського діяча Ігоря Волосянкіна, які він зробив на київському Майдані взимку 2014 year.
Олександр Ясенчук – учасник Революції Гідності, volunteer, очільник Благодійного фонду «Захистимо Україну», transferred to the museum collection the original belongings of Roman Brzesky, a participant in the revolutionary events in Ukraine in 1917–1921.
Yanina Smolyar spoke about her impressions of being on the Kyiv and Chernihiv Maidans, his participation in the volunteer movement with 2014 year and until now. Також, gave some advice to those present, how to maintain mental health in modern conditions.
Senior researcher at the museum Lesya Svitlovskaya
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