19 December, Day of St. Nicholas, to Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnowska in the "museum" to the second time visited senior fellow Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after TG. Shevchenko Oleksandr Bondar. In this holiday, as a kind of gift, researcher presented his own monograph "Chernigov: city and fortress in XIV-XVIII centuries "and familiarized with his new intelligence" Castles in the Commonwealth Chernihiv-Siversky in XVI - early XVII century. ".
About the author monograph it was already in the "Date" in April (book aroused great interest and quickly sold out, so now interested were able to buy the second edition of). Therefore, the main line of communication was devoted to the Commonwealth castles in Chernihiv-Siversky.
The researcher explained, that rise building castles in Chernihiv region accounts for XVI-XVII centuries. (Western Europe - it comes sixteenth century.). At this time, Chernihiv-Siverschyna was divided between the two states - Muscovy and the Commonwealth. The scientist has identified several stages of building castles in the territory Sivershchyna at this time, in particular there was a process of reconstruction of old castles, built new castle, entrenched monastery. It is interesting, that the territory of Muscovy all locks are public, and their construction was governed, Things are in the overwhelming majority of Commonwealth fortresses was privately owned. Most castles in Chernihiv was just for Polish times, they were located on the main means of communication every 15-20 km. Castles were small in size, have, as a rule, one tower, earthen and wooden fortifications, ditches around. О. Cooper gave a description of more than ten castles XVII century. and told, noble family who owned them and developed the, stressed, Frequently, small stronghold had premises, and defended by a few units. Some fortress strengthened derivatives camps during the war. The author concluded, that the strategy of building small forts on Polish territory entirely justified. Increased the impact, allow confidently navigate the material developed by the author schemes and plans, aerial photography data.
At the meeting professors and students attended the Institute of History, етнології та правознавства імені О.М. Лазаревського Чернігівського національного педагогічного університету імені Т.Г. Shevchenko, researchers museums, historians. An interesting and few known to most topic aroused a lively discussion with the author of the assembly.
We thank Alexander Bondar for informational and emotionally rich story. Looking forward to the next monograph author!
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