1 January marks 155 Birthday of Mikhail Tarnowska (1865–1943). Patrimony Kachanivka, where he was born a childhood spent, remained in the memory of a lifetime. Mikhail was the chronicler kind Tarnovskys - prepared the manuscript with additions and specification details of its representatives, was the author of the essay “Kachanivka” and illustrations to it for the magazine “Capital and manor” (№ 40–41, 1915 рік).
M. Tarnowski - professional photographer, copartner “Dagher” (1901–1917), of which received awards as a member of national and international exhibitions. Thanks to him,, we see in photographs of the palace interiors and landscapes Kachanivka.
In the preface to the publication manuscript heritage M. Tarnovsky in the cultural journal “Chronicle-2000” (№ 19–20, 1997 рік) it was said: “Mykhailo Volodymyrovych fully combined in his nature the best features inherent in many members of the Tarnovsky family. This - a comprehensive talent, wide education, diversity of interests, selfless service to one's country”. Nephew Vasily Tarnowska Jr., He followed the tradition of charity, passing many Kyiv museums unique works of art, archives, saved and stored them in times of trouble.
Today it continues its worthy daughter - Irina Trach - from Kiev, engineer-constructor, supporting heat, friendships with Chernihiv Historical Museum named VV. Tarnovskyi and the reserve “Kachanivka”. From the museum it was very rare and precious family photos, materials from the archives of his father, modern books and publications about the Tarnovsky family. Good deeds multiply the descendants of the famous family.
Світлана Половнікова,
старший науковий співробітник
Чернігівського історичного музею імені В.В. Tarnovsky
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