There are historical events, over which time has no power. Among them a special place belongs to World War II. So far these events embarrass our memory. There - destroyed people's lives, broken lives and at the same time manifestations of humanity, fortitude and charity.
2 September 2020 Dr.. у приміщенні Військово-історичного музею – філії Чернігівського історичного музею імені В.В. Тарновського відкрилася виставка «Травень. Вересень. 1945 рік», timed to the 75th anniversary of the Victory over Nazism in Europe and the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II.
World War II is one of the largest armed conflicts in human history, that lasted from 1 September 1939 Dr.. by 2 September 1945 Dr.. У війні брала участь 61 країна. The war engulfed Europe and East Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. The hostilities took place on the territory 40 states. Died of 50 to 80 million. people.
Chronologically, the exhibition covers the years 1939-1945. Thematically it consists of 3 sections:
– родинна пам’ять про війну;
– перемога над нацизмом у Європі, surrender of Japan, end of World War II;
– ціна перемоги, consequences of the war.
Almost eight decades separate us from the most brutal war of the twentieth century., a lifetime. There are almost none left in our circle, who took part in the fighting, won in the rear, survived the occupation. But every family keeps the memory. The memory of World War II is what it is? We asked our colleagues this question, asked to tell, and, if possible, to illustrate family military histories. Through human destinies we can tell about the course of the war, guerrilla and underground movement, occupation regime, life in evacuation, reconstruction processes.
At the exhibition "May. Вересень. 1945 рік» представлені матеріали із зібрання Чернігівського історичного музею ім. VV. Tarnovsky, Державного архіву Чернігівської області, family relics. Here you can see: newspapers, світлини, documents, awards, листи, household items, художні роботи, Books.
The exhibition will run until January 2021 Dr..
Senior researcher at the museum Lesya Svitlovskaya
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