Conference dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the museum

January 4, 2021 – August 1, 2021 all-day
Chernihiv Historical Museum

Чернігівський історичний музей ім. VV. Tarnowski invites to participate in a scientific conference "Andhistorical and cultural landscape of the Chernihiv Historical Museum. VV. Tarnovsky, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the museum.

It is planned to discuss the following topics:

  1. Museum construction: history of the institution (institutions), collections and their place in the Museum Fund of Ukraine, founders and employees, museum as a methodological center for the development of a network of communal and departmental museums.
  2. The role of the museum in preserving the national cultural heritage of Ukraine: real estate research, conducting archaeological excavations, study of intangible heritage.
  3. The museum's contribution to the development of historical science. The museum as a subject and object of regional history and local lore movement: research projects, edition, participation in the work of scientific societies, cooperation with the Academy of Sciences, universities, archives, libraries, etc..
  4. Museum as a phenomenon of civil society: formation and preservation of national memory, scientific and educational work, social projects.

Заявку на участь із зазначенням теми, повного імені, посади, academic degree, contact address and telephone number of the participant, please send to 1 August 2021 Dr.. at the address 14000, Chernihiv, Street. Museum, 4; e-mail: choim@i.ia;;

The conference is scheduled for October 26-28, to 1 October, its format will be determined and participants will be notified. Conference proceedings will be published in 2022 year. Preference will be given to topics, relating to events and personalities, related to Chernihiv region within its historical boundaries.

Телефон для довідок: (0462) 647-073: Blue Max M. (050 8412329), Lynyuk Lyudmila (096 6860558).