Action Plan Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Тарновського до Міжнародного дня музеїв Музейні колекції...
8 May the occasion of events, присвячених відзначенню Дня Перемоги Чернігівський історичний музей імені В.В....
22 In April, the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after V.V. Tarnovsky plunged into the XIX era for two hours..
22 April Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Тарновського в рамках “Музейних зустрічей” відбулася...
17 April Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky Museum held a meeting. В гості...
"Christian funerary monuments of ancient Chernigov" - monograph, prepared a senior fellow, заступником директора Центру...
In Chernihivskomu historical museum named after V. Tarnowska continue commemorating Taras Shevchenko
Despite the tense political situation in the country, in the jubilee year of the 200th anniversary of the day...
On the occasion of World Day of Cosmonautics Chernihiv Historical Museum of VV. Тарновського впродовж двох тижнів...
11 April Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Тарновського до Міжнародного Дня пам’яток і визначних...
In late March, a collection of Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky increased by 407 exhibits, з яких...