11 February 2014 року у приміщенні військово-історичного музею – відділі Чернігівського історичного музею ім....
31 January 2014 in the session hall of the Institute of History of Ukraine, що на...
24 January 2014 року у військово-історичному музеї – відділі Чернігівського історичного музею імені В.В....
21 January 2014 Dr.. in Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Тарновського відбувся круглий стіл “Слава не...
17 January 2014 Dr.. Chernihiv Historical Museum of VV. LM Revutsky exhibited the museum exhibition "Musical ...
10 January Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky an exhibition "Embroidered way of life",...
3 January 2014 Dr.. the Military History Museum - Division of Chernihiv Historical Museum. VV Tarnovsky ...
Do 2013 the museum held many events: exhibitions, presentations, Interactive, museum meetings, etc.. Значно...
20 December 2013 on the eve of the Day of Ukrainian diplomacy in Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky ...
17 December the specialized scientific council in Chernihiv National Pedagogical University T. T. Шевченка відбувся...