31 The Museum meeting was held in Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VVTarnovsky in July,uk, dedicated to the 370th anniversary of the beginning of the National Liberation War led by Hetman B. Khmelnytsky and the 370th anniversary of the formation of the Chernihiv Regiment,,uk,Chernigov historians and ethnographers,,uk.
Чернігівські історики і краєзнавці, All those who were indifferent to Ukrainian history had the opportunity to communicate with the famous researcher of the history of Ukraine in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.,uk, an expert in the attributes of the authorities and local self-government of the Ukrainian Cossack state - the Hetmanate,,uk,Senior Researcher at the Institute of History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences,,uk, старшим науковим співробітником Інституту історії України НАН, candidate of historical sciences Yuriy Savchuk,,uk,Yuri Konstantinovich is known not only as the author of scientific works,,uk.
Юрій Костянтинович відомий не лише як автор наукових праць, but also well-known to the general public thanks to the powerful international exhibitions created by him in the National Museum of Ukrainian History of Ukraine "Hetman's Cemetery and personal things of Bogdan Khmelnytsky",uk (2002), "Ukraine-Sweden,,uk,at the crossroads of history,,uk,ХVІІ-ХVІІІ centuries.,,uk,The year was exhibited at the Ukrainian Museum in New York,,uk,"The Relics of the Old Kyiv Self-Government",,uk,"1000 Years of the Ukrainian Seal",,uk: на перехрестях історії (ХVІІ–ХVІІІ ст.) (2008), яка у 2010 році експонувалася в Українському музеї в Нью-Йорку, “Реліквії старого Київського самоврядування” (2012), “1000 років української печатки” (2013), which was joined by the Chernigov Historical Museum named after VV,uk. Tarnovsky.
In Chernihiv, the indefatigable researcher of the Cossack relics told the audience about the long-term consequences of their quest for Ukrainian flags of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,uk. at the Military Museum of Stockholm and the Hermitage,,uk,In sweden,,uk,where are stored almost,,uk,flags of the ХVІ-ХVІІІ centuries.,,uk,Mr. Yuri discovered,,uk,flags,,uk,rod and bunchuk,,uk. У Швеції, де зберігаються майже 4500 прапорів ХVІ–ХVІІІ ст., пан Юрій виявив 13 items (11 прапорів, древко та бунчук), which Lithuanian hetman Janusz Radziwil got during a military campaign,,uk,year on the territory of Ukraine,,uk,Among them we have,,uk,which belonged to the Chernihiv and Nizhyn regiments,,uk 1651 року на території України. Серед них маємо 6 прапорів, які належали Чернігівському та Ніжинському полкам. The scientist told the story about that,,uk,as Cossack regalia found themselves in distant Sweden,,uk,discovered the secrets of "scientific kitchen",,uk, як козацькі регалії опинилися у далекій Швеції, відкрив таємниці “наукової кухні”, for the first time in Ukraine presented his monograph "Odyssey of Cossack flags",,uk,Stockholm,,ru,the fruit of scientific cooperation between Ukraine and Sweden,,uk,published in Ukrainian and English,,uk (Стокгольм, 2012), плід наукового співробітництва України та Швеції, видану українською та англійською мовами, answered numerous questions of the halls,,uk,In turn, a senior employee of the Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV,,uk.
У свою чергу старший співробітник Чернігівського історичного музею імені В.В. Tarnovsky, Svetlana Polovnikova, shared information on the production of the flagpole of the Chernihiv Regiment for the museum's exposition created in 1978-1979.,uk.
Старший науковий співробітник музею, Candidate of Historical Sciences Ihor Sitiy presented the documentary exhibition "Chernigov Regiment,,uk,years ",,uk: 370 років”, which covers the history of this military and administrative-territorial unit in the second half of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.,,uk,on which,,uk,The original documents - the will of Yakov Lizogub - were exhibited,,uk, на якій, particular, експонувалися оригінальні документи – заповіт Якова Лизогуба 1698 year and Universal Hetman Kirill Razumovsky from,,uk,the year of appointment of Chernigov Colonel Peter Miloradovich,,uk,last colonel,,uk,The two-hour talk flew imperceptibly,,uk 29 January 1762 року про призначення Чернігівським полковником Петра Милорадовича (останній полковник).
Непомітно пролетіла двогодинна розмова, and an exhibition,,uk,created only at the time of the Museum meeting, will soon be available on the museum site,,uk, створену лише на час Музейної зустрічі невдовзі можна буде оглянути на музейному сайті.
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