Founded as a museum of military glory 1-Guards Army initiatives for veterans and the public, Museum housed in a specially constructed room. First visitors took 9 May 1985 Dr.. On 1992 Dr.. became the military history department Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky.
The museum exposition consists of two sections and a number of permanent and temporary exhibitions. The exhibition "Military history Chernihiv" built in 1988 Dr.. Since its inception considerably updated, supplemented with new exhibits and themes, such as "military construction period of the Ukrainian revolution", "Battle of cool", "Participation in Chernihiv local military conflicts of the second half of the twentieth century.", "Creation of the army of an independent Ukraine", "Activity Chernihiv Border Detachment". Section "battle path of the former 1st Guards. Army "was created in 1985 Dr.. Do 1999 Dr.. held its full reekspozytsiya. There are permanent exhibitions "Thank Ukrainian Cossacks", "Chernigov on the fronts of the German-Soviet war",,uk,"Liberation of Chernigov from Nazi invaders",,uk,participation of Chernihiv in ATO,,uk,Snovsk and for,,uk,from the village of Yelina,,uk, «Визволення Чернігівщини від нацистських загарбників», “На наших плечах Україна” (участь чернігівців в АТО).
The museum includes over 13 thousand. items, most of which are connected with the history of the Second World War. In addition, formed collection of monuments, covering the events of World War II, Ukrainian Revolution, military construction of the 20's - 30's of the twentieth century., organization and activities of defense companies, part of our countrymen in local wars of the second half of the twentieth century., in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident, history Chernigov Higher Military Aviation School pilots тощо. It documents, photos, зброя, awards, military equipment, personal belongings, working tools, used by representatives of various arms, pictorial and graphic works, Books. A separate collection are materials on the fight of the 1st Guards. Army.
The museum has close ties to the recruiting office, territorial management "North", organizations veterans, soldiers in Afghanistan, Chernobyl, former juvenile prisoners of Nazi concentration camps and Ostarbeiteren, search engine, widely attracts them to a variety of events - themed evenings, lessons of courage, meetings, Conferences. Has exhibition and film lecture halls.
Museum and Memorial Partisan Glory "Lisohrad" was created in 2009 Dr.. On 2011 Dr.. - Branch Chernihiv Historical Museum named after VV. Tarnovsky. Located 26 km from the regional center - the city. Сновськ і за 98 km from Chernigov.
The aim of his work - from research, original documents and relics comprehensively cover the history of the guerrilla movement in Chernihiv region in 1941-1943., create a database of partisan formation and members of the Resistance, make it possible to experience the atmosphere of partisan life, to some extent become an accomplice of the events.
The complex act: Museum of the guerrilla movement in Chernihiv region in 1941-1943. Memorial and guerrilla camp "Lisohrad".
Guerrilla camp located in a forest on the site, where winter 1942 Dr.. and spring 1943 Dr.. based regional guerrilla group (then - connection). Here are preserved contours dugouts, ditches and trenches; five huts have been restored and are available for inspection. Text material - Memories members of the guerrilla movement, extracts from the diaries of guerrilla commanders, annotation about functionality huts, photos and talk about everyday life in the guerrilla camp. Effect of presence and create orders stinnivky, posted on a board near the "headquarters dugout". For, To further enjoy the atmosphere of partisan life, feel to some extent complicit events, Visitors can drink water from the "partisan" well, cook food in "guerrilla" furnace.
Museum of the guerrilla movement in Chernihiv region in 1941-1943. located 10 km (Forest roads - 7) від села Єліне. With the beginning of the German-Soviet war,uk, over 200 villagers were mobilized into the Red Army, 84 - Went to the guerrilla group, 28 yelintsiv become partisan signalers. 23 March 1942 Dr.. invaders burned the village and tortured almost 300 its inhabitants. Do 1962 Dr.. Yeline granted the status of rural guerrilla.
"Gilot village" - the name of the first section of the exhibition. Here you can see plain household utensils, typical of the late 1930s., Books, patefon, on the table - proof of graduation and Chernigov newspaper 1941 Dr.. universities with advertising - quite a peaceful life. And next - "Bolshevik" from 24 June 1941 Dr.. In a speech. Molotov on the outbreak of war. Photos, documents, household items, talk about, brought "new order" the inhabitants of towns and villages of the land.
In the, organization dedicated to the guerrilla movement in the temporarily occupied territory, attention is drawn guerrilla gun - the only, preserved in Ukraine and tunic guerrilla commander Hero of the Soviet Union M. Popudrenko.
The next room interior plays guerrilla dugouts. Extremely rich real exhibits, including memorial, it allows you to imagine life difficult partisan, their life, leisure hours. Single story concerns sabotage and subversive activities of guerrilla groups, who inflicted the most damage to the enemy. The emotional impact on visitors gives not only artistic solution threads, and sound and in the halls of the museum.
«Садиба родини Лизогубів»
Садиба Лизогубів — комплекс споруд та інших об’єктів, що створювався у седнівському маєтку Лизогубів з кінця XVII до початку ХХ ст. Розташована вздовж високого правого берега р. Снов у південній частині Седнева. Почала формуватися наприкінці XVII ст., коли містечко стало маєтністю козацько-старшинської родини Лизогубів. Перший власник – Яків Лизогуб. У середині ХІХ ст. садиба перетворюється на архітектурно-парковий ансамбль. У 1830-х рр., після залишення державної служби, тут оселився Андрій Лизогуб, сюди ж переїхав і його брат Ілля. У кінці 1860-х рр. маєток перейшов до Дмитра Лизогуба, пізніше до Федора Лизогуба.
У садибі Лизогубів у різні роки бували багато діячів культури: Тарас Шевченко, Лев Жемчужников, Леонід Глібов, Борис Грінченко, Опанас Сластіон та ін.
Частина споруд дійшла до наших днів у перебудованому вигляді. Збереглися: Воскресенська церква, що була родинною усипальнею Лизогубів, і кам’яниця, обидві – 1690 рік; флігель, невеликий грот, кам’яний місток через старовинний рів, залишки оранжереї – фундамент та підпірні стіни. З малих форм паркового ансамблю збереглася також альтанка Глібова (1-а половина ХІХ ст.). На місці дерев’яного житлового будинку в ХІХ ст. споруджено одноповерховий цегляний.
Седнівський парк (нині – парк імені Т. T. Shevchenko), що є частиною садиби, має статус пам’ятки садово-паркового мистецтва (with 1972). Парк в англійському (вільному) стилі.
Проводяться екскурсії по території садиби, на виставці “Андрій Лизогуб – художник-аматор”. Створюються тимчасові виставки.
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